In its December 31 newsletter, AWISCO shared a message from President Lloyd Robinson. Read it in full below.

Wishing you good times, good cheer and a memorable new year.

I am dedicating our last newsletter of 2020 to everyone that was instrumental in AWISCO getting through this tumultuous year. Our dedicated customers, our loyal vendor partners and the amazing AWISCO team. Without all of you, AWISCO would not be what we are today.

To all of our loyal customers we say “thank you!”  Thank you for your business, thank you for your loyalty, and thank you for choosing AWISCO. We are all glad to see the year 2020 disappear with hopes of a safer and healthier 2021!  From the entire AWISCO team, Happy Holidays and we look forward to seeing you next year!

To all of our amazing vendor partners, thank you for continuing to provide the excellent service we have all become accustomed to during these extraordinarily difficult times. We are all so grateful for keeping our pipeline of products full and being as flexible as you have been to make what has been a rocky road to recovery as smooth as possible.

I cannot thank our customers and our vendors without acknowledging the incredible AWISCO team. 2020 brought many changes to AWISCO and how we do business. Wearing masks, taking temperatures, and practicing social distancing is now part of our new normal. Through it all the AWISCO team forged forward keeping you, our valued customers, our number one priority.  A special thank you to those employees working on the AWISCO frontline to ensure our customers had what they needed, when they needed it.  And to the entire AWISCO team, I just want to say how proud I am of all of you for everything you have done to get us to where we are today. Your amazing dedication to AWISCO is why we have succeeded and made it through this crazy year!

I would like to close by thanking our generous sponsors of what would have been the 25th AWISCO Trade Show. Sadly, we had to cancel this year’s show but we are hopeful we will be able to host this annual event in 2021.

Happy New Year!
Lloyd Robinson

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