Author: Paul Pflieger

The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) represents a dynamic and diverse network of companies pivotal to the industrial, medical, and food gases and equipment sectors. With over 165 member organizations, ranging from multinational corporations to family-owned businesses, CGA is committed to shaping the future of an industry that serves as the backbone of America’s economy. Essential Gases for Everyday Life Compressed gases are integral to various industries and everyday products. Key gases like nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, specialty gases, argon, and acetylene are crucial in fields ranging from healthcare and food production to manufacturing and transportation. Each gas has specific…

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By Paul Pflieger, Director of Marketing and Communications, CGA What do vacation, sunshine, and the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Young & Emerging Professionals (YEP) Summit have in common? They’re all synonymous with Summer here at CGA! And this year’s YEP Summit, which wrapped up last week, was one to remember. Hosted over two weeks, the 2024 YEP Summit featured four dynamic sessions and more than a dozen presenters. By the Numbers The Summit attracted 816 attendees from 133 companies across 6 continents, 36 countries, and 37 states!  The Summit’s goal was clear from the outset: to enhance YEP engagement in…

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By Paul Pflieger, Director of Marketing and Communications, CGA As we mark National Safety Month this June, it’s an ideal time to emphasize the importance of safety in our daily lives. At the Compressed Gas Association (CGA), we believe that safety should be a constant priority, not just a focus for one month out of the year. National Safety Month, initiated by the National Safety Council, is dedicated to raising awareness about critical safety issues. At CGA, our mission aligns with this goal as we strive to enhance safety standards in the compressed gas industry. We would like to highlight…

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CGA C-1, Methods for Pressure Testing Compressed Gas Cylinders, is the most accessed publication in the growing library of 380+ publications the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) offers. It is also the most accessed publication by members of the GAWDA Distributor Safety Program, which offers complimentary access to CGA’s complete electronic library. C-1 provides an in-depth review of operating and equipment requirements to properly perform pressure testing of compressed gas cylinders. Tests reviewed in this safety standard include the water jacket method, direct expansion method, and proof pressure method. The C-1 safety standard, now in its 12th edition, is published by the…

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