Federated Insurance was founded in 1904 by a group of equipment dealers seeking better value for their premium dollar. In the early 20th century, the company began providing property coverage to auto dealers, machine shops, petroleum marketers and contractors throughout the Midwest. From the beginning, Federated’s relationships with associations like GAWDA have strengthened its understanding of the industries it helps protect.

Those relationships and input from association members have played a key role in the evolution of Federated Insurance. Industry insights help shape the products and services that Federated offers.

“Our growth into a national organization with 35,000+ policyholders can be linked to our willingness to listen to our clients, address their evolving needs, and remain focused on their success,” says Nathan S. Oland, Senior National Account Executive at Federated Insurance.

Over the past 115 years, the biggest change the company has faced is how technology has benefited Federated and its clients. Federated’s Seven Minute Safety TrainerSM is a great example. This mobile application helps business owners conduct on- or off-site employee safety meeting on hundreds of different topics. It gives them a wealth of information and resources, right at their fingertips.

“What hasn’t changed is Federated’s commitment to building relationships of trust with business owners—including GAWDA members—through local representatives who provide valuable, in-person, professional counsel,” says Oland.

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