Author: Ned Lane

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GAWDA’s 2017–2018 president, Ned Lane, serves as president of Cee Kay Supply, Inc. in St. Louis, Mo. He’s worked in the welding and gases industry for 34 years on both the distributor and supplier sides. He can be reached at [email protected].

It’s been a busy quarter for the GAWDA team, and we’ve accomplished quite a bit. Below, I’ve summarized some of our activities: AIWD Convention In April, John Ospina and I had the opportunity to present at the Association of Independent Welding Distributors (AIWD) Convention in Louisville, KY, about the value of a GAWDA membership. Our message seemed to resonate, as we gained seven new members in the weeks after the convention. I extend my thanks to John and Mike Dodd, as well as Stephen Hill for his follow-up efforts. Spring management conference in St. Louis We had 678 — a…

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