Don’t let your customers gamble on quality and productivity with cheap filler metal.

There’s a reason that GAWDA distributors are universally considered best-in-class in the gases and welding industry. It’s because they partner with suppliers who can provide not only the highest-quality products, but who have the expertise to make recommendations based on years of experience with other like-minded customers.

In the manufacturing world, the weld is the backbone of quality. And the filler metal is the backbone of the weld. But to the layman, all filler metals are the same. Aluminum is aluminum, right? Wrong. The experts at Hobart® Filler Metals know aluminum. And they know firsthand that not all aluminum filler metal is created equal. While a strong quality aluminum filler metal may not have the least expensive up-front cost in the industry, in the long run, a premium aluminum filler metal will actually be the most cost-effective option.

The Hobart Difference

GAWDA members understand that the cheapest solution is rarely the best solution. By partnering with best-in-class suppliers like Hobart Filler Metals, distributors know that the initial price tag may be higher, but that the overall cost will actually be lower.

“When buyers go to lesser-quality wires based solely on price, they go through more contact tips, have more wire tangles and ultimately have more feeding issues,” says Galen White, Aluminum Products Specialist for Hobart Brothers LLC. “The welders on the floor suffer and are quick to voice their opinion to upper management to revert back to Hobart.”

Cheaper filler metals can also result in:

  • Porosity in welds
  • Weak welds
  • Aluminum shavings and fines that build up in the wire, blocking the feed and forcing operators to burn through more tips and liners
  • Wire that tangles in the drum, leading to more changeover and downtime

Almost immediately, any upfront “savings” will be spent fixing problems caused by the inferior quality of the product.

By and large, customers are loyal to one filler metal brand. They adopt an “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” philosophy. The problem is that when customers decide to cut costs and go with a cut-rate filler metal, they quickly find that it is broken.

End users in high throughput industries like automotive, truck and trailer and shipbuilding are especially good candidates for value selling. Hobart Filler Metals are designed and trusted by a host of high-throughput industries. These products include:

  • Hobart® MaxalMig® 4043: A popular aluminum/silicon filler alloy for general-purpose welding applications. It has a low melting temperature, moderate strength, moderate conductivity and excellent corrosion resistance.
  • Hobart® MaxalTig® 5356: The most common aluminum/magnesium alloy for general-purpose welding. It’s typically used in the construction industry, in fabricating truck trailers and small fishing boats and in cryogenic applications.
  • Hobart® MaxalMig® 4943: This Hobart-specific product is formulated to be welded with the same weld procedure specifications as 4043, yet it doesn’t depend on dilution from the base metal to increase the strength of the weld deposit. The chemistry of 4943 delivers the same benefits of 4043, such as a low melting point and cleanliness, while offering strengths close to 5356 as welded and also the ability to post-weld heat treat and age for extreme strength gains.

These products have stood the test of time and are trusted time and time again because of their superior quality. Hobart has the right filler metal to tackle any welding challenge with ease and precision. By offering a wide selection of tailored solutions, distributors can position themselves as trusted advisors, capable of providing customized recommendations to meet their customers’ specific requirements.

What’s more, each lot of aluminum Hobart Filler Metal undergoes overhead weld testing and radiography for porosity and comes with a certified chemistry. In manufacturing, your product is only as good as your weld. Don’t let your clients risk the integrity of their product and brand with an inferior weld from a bargain filler metal.

As experts in the aluminum filler metal industry, Hobart is continuously at the forefront of innovation. They relentlessly strive to push boundaries and achieve a higher standard of excellence in aluminum filler metal production. Hobart Filler Metals’ unwavering commitment to quality, coupled with their proactive approach to meeting customer demands, underscores their position as industry leaders in the aluminum filler metal space.

And, if you or your customers want to see for yourselves, Hobart Filler Metals invites you to their new, fully renovated Customer Experience Center in Traverse Center, Michigan. Hobart’s aluminum filler metal plant stands as a testament to innovation and growth. Customers should contact their district sales manager for more information on visiting the center.


Building Partnerships

GAWDA members understand that the best end-user relationships are the ones built on trust. The client has to trust that the distributor has their best interests at heart. They trust the distributor to provide expertise and recommendations based on real-world experience. Clients looking solely at the bottom-line price are often not looking for partners. They’re looking for order-takers. But clients who are looking for a distributor who can offer value, quality and support should look no further than a Hobart Filler Metals distributor.

Building lasting customer relationships is essential for long-term growth and sustainability in the welding distribution business. By aligning with a reputable brand like Hobart Filler Metals, distributors can establish themselves as reliable partners committed to delivering excellence. This fosters loyalty and repeat business, driving sustainable growth and profitability over time. GAWDA members have a reputation in the industry as being true partners. And Hobart wants to be part of that partnership.

Hobart aluminum filler metals offer more than just welding solutions — they represent a value-added proposition that can significantly benefit welding distributors and their customers alike. By leveraging the superior quality, tailored solutions, technical support and competitive advantage offered by Hobart, distributors can elevate their business, strengthen customer relationships and drive sales growth in the dynamic and competitive welding market.

Reach out to a Hobart representative today to discuss adding their premium aluminum filler metals to your product portfolio. Your customers and your bottom line will thank you.  

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