Making the Most out of Networking 360

At the 2022 GAWDA Annual Convention in San Diego, the GAWDA Industry Partnering Committee debuted the “Networking 360” program. The event was conceived as a sort of “speed dating” for GAWDA distributors and suppliers to be able to network in a more controlled and intimate environment than the hustle and bustle of the Contact Booth Program. The Event premiered to great fanfare, as 105 supplier members had the opportunity to spend 5-minute sessions with 53 distributor members who participated.

“I would pay my entire dues for the year, just to attend this event,” said one member immediately following the inaugural Networking 360.

Now entering its third year, the Networking 360 has become one of the most anticipated events on the GAWDA calendar, with coveted spots filling up almost immediately. However, because these spots are so valuable, with distributors getting just ten meetings, and each meeting having just five minutes to make an impression, it is vital to make the most of these valuable opportunities.

As the Industry Partnering Committee did with their “Best Practices” checklist ahead of the Contact Booth Program Best in Show Award before the Spring Management Conference, with that in mind, here are some best practices for making the most out of your Networking 360 Meetings.

Distributors Were Assigned Suppliers that Match their Interests by Category. Each meeting is a qualified candidate and a warm lead!


Before you arrive in Phoenix, be sure to have researched the companies and representatives you will be meeting with.

  • Prepare your “Elevator Pitch” but make sure it’s crafted to the company you’re meeting with.
  • Be concise! You only have five minutes, don’t spend the whole time “pitching.” Spend the first 30-60 seconds talking about your company/product and the next 4 minutes engaging in an open dialogue about how it can be a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • Have literature – We’ve heard from multiple GAWDA distributors that having supporting documentation is not only helpful but gives an air of professionalism. Don’t “wing it.”
  • Have business cards! You might think it goes without saying, but you’d be surprised. Make sure that they have not only your most up-to-date information, but also your digital contact information as well.


  • Be early. As you know, GAWDA’s networking opportunities are second-to-none. There is a Breakfast from 7:30-8:00 as people register. It’s your opportunity to network before the “official” networking kicks off.
  • Engage Actively: Listen attentively and show genuine interest in the other person’s background and goals.
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage a two-way conversation by asking questions that require more than a yes/no answer. For example, “What projects are you currently excited about?”
  • Balance the Conversation: Share your own information briefly and focus on finding out about the other party’s needs and interests.
  • Read Body Language: Pay attention to non-verbal cues to gauge engagement levels. If the other person seems disinterested, pivot the conversation to find common ground.
  • Be Concise and Clear: Avoid lengthy pitches. Stay focused on key points and be clear about what you’re looking for.
  • Offer Value. Instead of solely pitching yourself, offer insights, resources, or connections that could benefit the other person.
  • Create a Personal Connection. Find common interests or experiences to establish rapport and make the interaction more memorable.
  • Respect Time Limits. Adhere to the allotted time for each interaction to ensure fairness and to allow you to meet as many people as possible.


  • Stay Connected. This year, Networking 360 takes place on the first day of the show, so you’ll have ample opportunity to follow up. There is the Contact Booth Program immediately following, as well as Sunday and Monday.
  • Follow Up. Once you get home, send personalized follow-up messages referencing your conversation to keep the connection alive. If you aren’t already connected on LinkedIn, this is a great place to start.
  • Organize Contacts: Immediately after the event, organize the contacts you made. Note any specific details or follow-up actions.

The Networking 360 Event has the chance to pay for your trip to Phoenix in spades. But, like with anything else, you get out of it what you put into it. Make sure that your Networking 360 experience is a “Hole in One!”

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