1. Who has been your favorite GAWDA AC (or SMC) Speaker that you’ve ever seen and what was your favorite quote or take away from their presentation?

2. What types of presentations do you like to see most at GAWDA meetings (motivational, economic, leadership, etc.) and why and do you have a “dream” GAWDA Keynote speaker you’d like to see at a future Convention?

President, Gary Halter

Indiana Oxygen Company​

  1. My favorite speakers have been Lou Holtz and Admiral McRaven. Both have accomplished a lot in their lives and have written good books that are realistic, instructional and motivational. I have read Admiral McRaven’s book Make Your Bed multiple times and have given copies to friends and co-workers as well.
  2. I like all three types, to be honest, but if I had to choose between them I would choose speakers on leadership. In my opinion, that’s where it all begins…in a company, in a family, in a church or on a sports team. Peyton Manning would be my ideal keynote. We tried to get him this year for the Annual Convention, but due to his NFL responsibilities, he could not commit. 

First Vice President, Allison Earlbeck

Earlbeck Gases & Technologies

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of seeing dozens of incredible speakers at GAWDA Conventions, but none have been as consistently impactful for me, personally, as those delivered by the Beaulieu’s from ITR Economics. Their ability to distill big picture economic trends into simple actionable insights make their presentations invaluable. There have always been key takeaways for me that resonate on both a professional and personal level. Looking back through my career, I can point to several key decisions that were made as a result of ITR.

Second Vice President, Kevin Falconer

Minneapolis Oxygen

  1. I enjoyed Mike Rowe when he spoke, as well as Deepak Malhotra. Mike spoke about the trades as a profession and how important they are to our economy, workforce, and future. Deepak spoke on negotiating and finding new ways to look at them, break them down and find workable solutions for both parties.
  2. I enjoy a lively discussion and actionable takeaways more than a specific type of presentation. A good speaker/presenter should be able to tailor or relate their talk to the organization/industry, no matter what the topic. We should be able to bring back one action item or topic for our teams to explore and discuss after an AC or SMC, so anyone that can do that, I’m in favor of. I suppose my “dream speaker” of the moment would be Sharon McMahon. She calls herself “America’s History Teacher” and is from Northern Minnesota. I do love history, and she is great on those topics, but I also enjoy the way she’s able to speak about our political issues of the day from a non-partisan point of view. A lost art these days.

First Past President Robert Anders

Holston Gases, Inc.

  1. My favorite speaker has to be Mike Rowe at the GAWDA AC in Arizona. His message reaffirmed that our industry and the customers that we service are part of the bedrock of our country. I walked away from his speech with renewed pride about who we are as an industry and increased gratitude for the blue-collar customers that we service.
  2. I think that the “dream” speaker would be someone that is inspirational because of what they have accomplished, not what they say/write. I would rather hear someone who has built a successful company/organization overcoming adversity and setbacks, than I would a professional speaker. I want someone who is relatable to my aspirations, struggles and doubts. 

Vice President, Rafael Arvelo

Equigas, Inc.

GAWDA events have consistently featured exceptional speakers, from Annuals to SMCs and Regionals. Some of the most memorable include:

  1. Admiral William McRaven’s inspiring “Make Your Bed” speech,
  2. Don McMillan’s side-splitting “Career Venn Diagram,”
  3. Lou Holtz’s motivational talk emphasizing the importance of doing the right thing, doing your best, and showing people you care.

While I appreciate motivational speakers, my dream speaker would be Phil Knight, the founder of Nike. His story, as told in the book “Shoe Dog,” is truly captivating and worth hearing.

Vice President Brad Dunn

CK Supply

In regards to memorable speakers, there have been quite a few. I did enjoy Marcus Lemonis’ talk at the 2021 Annual Convention in Colorado Springs. I am personally a fan of his show “The Profit,” but his message on overcoming adversity, as well as transparency and responsibility in leadership was impactful. He left the audience with a lot to think about on their travels home with regards to the human element of ownership and leadership and the lasting impression a business can make on someone’s life personally and professionally.

I think the ideal GAWDA speaker lineup should hit on a variety of topics from subject matter experts including industry insight, leadership, motivation and economics, this way all can have a takeaway and an extra kick in the pants to implement some new and fresh ideas when we get back home. As for future speakers, since the Olympics just wrapped up this year, I think it would be great to get some insight into the championship mindset and dedication to a craft. Maybe one of the GOATs – Simone Biles or Michael Phelps.

Vice President John Hill

Willard C. Starcher

My favorite speakers were General Norman Schwarzkopf and Oliver North. I was particularly impressed with Oliver North’s recollection of how the Reagan Administration had used the price of energy to expedite the collapse of the Soviet Union.

I enjoy presentations by a Political Commentator. Getting some insight into the workings of our government is always fascinating. I would enjoy having Sean Hannity of Fox, Senator Joe Manchin of WV, or former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee speak to our group.

Vice President Jason Kirby

Central McGowan

  1. I have honestly liked all the speakers. I really liked Johnny Jones, but I am probably a little biased, as I am a Marine as well. I don’t remember the exact quote, but there was a funny conversation Johnny had with President Obama, where the President asked him about his time in country and I think he said it was a blast. I remember reflecting on all the hardships he faced with recovery, and he was able to keep a positive attitude and remembered him saying that nothing was going to stop him.
  2. As I previously stated, I have really enjoyed listening to all the speakers and I always have takeaways from all of them. I would really like to see/hear Condoleezza Rice speak about her time in DC on some of the policy roadblocks she had to navigate through on Capitol Hill and how she was able to overcome those obstacles.

Vice President Will Roberts

Roberts Oxygen

  1. One of my favorite GAWDA speakers was David Marquet at the 2021 SMC in Nashville. He spoke about the ladder of leadership, pushing decision making authority to the appropriate level, and ensuring managers have the right level of autonomy based on their skills. He also said, “subs are just Uber for SEALs,” which has helped his presentation stick with me.
  2. I enjoy seeing leadership speakers at GAWDA. We all have different leadership styles and being exposed to other successful leaders shows us what they felt was important in the success of their team, and it gives us the opportunity to evaluate whether there are parts of their leadership style that might benefit our companies and employees.

Vice President Scott Rummans

Linde, Inc.

  1. I don’t have a single favorite GAWDA speaker, but my favorite “set of speakers” has to be the leaders that spoke about the importance of our people. Both in education sessions and the general sessions, several speakers since I joined the Board have given tremendous talks on the need to develop teams, retain talent and create a workplace that drives successful outcomes for all stakeholders.
  2. I really enjoy leadership topics as presented by folks in the industry or adjacent industries. With the ever-present theme of change, providing tips, tools and leadership philosophies to GAWDA members is both interesting and valuable. To that end, and consistent with this year’s theme and in having someone speak about leadership when facing adversity, I would cast my vote for Jimmy Johnson – Hall of Fame coach, and University of Miami 1987 National Championship coach – to speak at a future Convention. 

Vice President Liz Standley

ILMO Products Company

  1. My favorite speaker was Galen Emanuele, especially his presentation to the Young Professionals about company culture. His work really has inspired me to take a hard look at the culture in my own business and how it does and doesn’t work for our employees.
  2. I like economic and leadership speakers. I get a lot out of speakers who give me things to think about. I’d love to have Patrick Lencioni back in the lineup of speakers. I was really excited to see him at the Austin Annual that got waylaid by COVID.
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