Opening General Business Session an Emotional Affair The first general session of this year’s Convention packed an emotional punch. First, it saw GAWDA President Robert Anders took the stage to recount all that has been accomplished during this past year. He reflected on the goals that he set out when he first took the stage in San Diego and beamed with pride when recounting all that GAWDA and our industry has achieved since then. But before that, Robert acknowledged the unbelievable tragedy that Maui suffered in August. He then welcomed Zeke Kalua, executive assistant to the Mayor’s office, to the…

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Business of Convention Concludes With Thank You’s and The Changing of the Guard The Closing General Business Session kicked off with the Industry Keynote presentation, as Linde CEO Sanjiv Lamba addressed the crowd. He discussed the historic evolution that Linde has gone through over the past 144 years, including the recent merger with Praxair and acquisition of nexAir. He then shared some of the exciting initiatives that Linde has in the process as well as his perspective on the impending energy transition. Lamba was followed by a presentation from Will Bowen, the world authority on complaining. Will talked about how…

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Convention Closes With “Blowout Party” Over a Year in the Making The Convention concluded Wednesday evening with an unforgettable President’s Farewell Gala. It was the “blowout party” that Robert promised when he took the stage in San Diego, complete with majestic views of the ocean and mountains, dinner, dancing, and a fire-dancing show. Thank you to all GAWDA members who attended and made this a night to remember!

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Presentation of GAWDA Gives Back Award Robert then welcomed his beautiful wife Missy and his middle-son Kyle to the stage to discuss the recipient of the 2023 GAWDA Gives Back Award, the Malama Family Recovery Center. Missy discussed how the charity was near and dear to the family’s heart before turning the mic over to Kyle who gave an incredibly raw and powerful speech about his own history with substance abuse and how he was able to escape the other side of the darkness. When he was finished, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Then, representatives from the…

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By Tom Badstubner, Marilyn Dempsey, Mike Dodd, Rick Schweitzer, and Steve Guglielmo The GAWDA Consultant Program is a GAWDA member benefit that is included as part of your member dues to the association. It is consistently rated as one of the most valuable member benefits that GAWDA provides. Between the four of them, GAWDA’s consultants bring more than 100 years of industry-specific experience to the association. Recently, GAWDA’s Consultants gave an industry roundtable presentation during the Spring Management Conference in Philadelphia as well as presentations at GAWDA’s Regional Meetings, to go along with their monthly Safety Manager Safety Meetings.…

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