Ask Your Board is a feature that runs in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Quarter Issues of Welding & Gases Today. The purpose of Ask Your Board is to ask common business questions that all GAWDA members might be dealing with and to see how GAWDA’s Board of Directors are dealing with these issues within their own companies. To submit a question for GAWDA’s Board Members to consider, please email [email protected]  THE QUESTION The theme for this year’s GAWDA Annual Convention is “Building a Bridge for Future Leaders.” How does your company do a good job of identifying and preparing…

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The GAWDA Consultant Program is a GAWDA member benefit that is included as part of your member dues to the association. It is consistently rated as one of the most valuable member benefits that GAWDA provides. Between the four of them, GAWDA’s consultants bring more than 100 years of industry-specific experience to the association. In the first three issues of 2022, we spoke with the consultants about a variety of topics that impacted businesses in 2022. From recently passed or upcoming legislation, to the continued impact of COVID, to an increased frequency of inspections. For our final issue of 2022,…

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During World War II, Leonard Hein trained American pilots to fly and fight. Due to his German descent, he wasn’t allowed to fight during the war, but he was able to contribute to the Allied cause by helping to train other pilots. Following the war, Leonard and his wife, Trudy, decided to open a boat and welding supply business. For a long time, Leonard and Trudy were the sole employees of the company that would become Bemidji Welders Supply. Seven days per week, the two would do all of the sales, service, pickups,  and deliveries themselves. Eventually, the company sold…

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By Ken Thompson Kudos to GAWDA President Bob Ewing and his SMC organizing partners for a solid Indianapolis Spring Management Conference! GAWDA’s value is defined by its business-related content and the amazing networking opportunities that allow the content to be discussed, exchanged, and absorbed by so many. Three subjects quickly surfaced as the “hot button” topics that appeared in every distributors’ note pads.  First, the rapidly expanding space in which the distributor manages the wide horizon of gases from atmosphere to user. Next, solutions surfacing that permit distributors to level the field in the electronic paths to markets for their…

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By Mike Marks, Indian River Consulting Group As we’re all aware: The supply chain is no longer as dependable as it used to be. It’s now the equivalent of a wild pendulum with sporadic oscillations.  Demand is also fuzzy and seems to be ever-changing. Think about the start of the pandemic, when there was a massive shortage of masks and gloves. People were doing some really interesting things to find and stockpile these supplies. Now, companies give away masks and gloves because they have so much backstock. It’s the same scenario that is going to play out in the automotive…

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Ask Your Board is a new feature that will run in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Quarter Issues of Welding & Gases Today. The purpose of Ask Your Board is to ask common business questions that all GAWDA members might be dealing with and to see how GAWDA’s Board of Directors are dealing with these issues within their own companies. To submit a question for GAWDA’s Board Members to consider, please email [email protected] . THE QUESTION How has your company changed its marketing strategy over the last 5-10 years? Have you found the increase in reach has translated to an…

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The past three years have been difficult for all of us. From the depths of the pandemic, we returned to in-person business, but the “new normal” changed the way we worked. And now, as we deal with the fallout from the pandemic, including unprecedented inflation, supply chain issues, and labor shortages, it has, at times, been difficult to find things to celebrate. But through the gloom, GAWDA members have continued to persevere and thrive. This year, we recognize those GAWDA members who are celebrating milestone anniversaries in 2022. Reaching these incredible milestones is impressive at any time. But it’s especially…

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By Paul Bernier, ASP There are real dangers of heat stress in the workplace, and it can happen quickly to anyone working in hot, humid conditions. A worker may suffer cramps, dizzy or fainting spells, or even more serious issues such as heat stroke, or even death. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, an average of about 45 workers die each year from heat stress in the U.S. Although there is not a specific federal standard addressing heat stress, employers are more aware than ever, looking to protect their workers from heat related illness while keeping them as…

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By Tom Badstubner, Marilyn Dempsey, Michael Dodd, Rick Schweitzer and Steve Guglielmo The GAWDA Consultant Program is a GAWDA member benefit that is included as part of your member dues to the association. It is consistently rated as one of the most valuable member benefits that GAWDA provides. Between the four of them, GAWDA’s consultants bring more than 100 years of industry-specific experience to the association. In the first two issues of 2022, we spoke with the consultants about a variety of topics that will impact your business in 2022. From recently passed or upcoming legislation, to the continued impact…

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